Programs for companies & institutions

Mental and physical health programs (when properly implemented) provide employees with incentives, tools, social support, privacy and strategies to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Most workplaces would do well to help employees improve their health and wellness behaviors.

Living in an uncertain, complex and fast-paced environment is stressful and the main cause of all physical, mental and emotional problems that people face in different areas. We experience stress and emotional outbursts that also affect our productivity at work.

Being able to manage feelings and frustration better can help reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It's time to catch such problems early and prevent them from becoming illnesses that increase absenteeism and reduce efficiency at work.

This is what the work-life balance statistics currently look like

33 %

state that it has become difficult to organize their work, family and social life,

47 %

believe that stress in working life has increased in the last 5 years.

20 %

feel emotionally overwhelmed and therefore cannot do their best at work.

Employees prefer to stay with companies that also care about their health because the company itself has become a part of everyday life.

Wellness programs are therefore more popular than ever. They began as employee perks for large corporations, but today corporate wellness programs have become a necessity for all organizations and a part of the regular benefits that employees are expected to provide.

Corporate Wellness Programs (CWP) are part of Employee Enrichment Program (EEP) and encompass the general well-being of the employees of companies, which in turn increases productivity.

power of 21“ is a program combining 21 different activities to create well-being for body, mind and soul. These activities include both indoor and outdoor environments.

Corporate wellness sessions

  • Sound and Naad Yoga along with Hatha Yoga
  • Mudras and chair yoga for good health
  • catharsis
  • wisdom of the soul
  • Shamanic drumming (helps with team building)
  • Sing to relieve stress
  • Meditations with chakra sounds
  • Aqua Sound Therapy for cellular relaxation
  • Little command of the language
  • relationship healing
  • Twin Heart Meditation
  • Super Brain Yoga
  • Family sessions for company employees (1 day)
  • Break through meditations with sound therapy
  • Creative visualization and stress management
  • Sound and Breathwork Meditations
  • Singing to relieve stress (music therapy)
  • Mandala Meditation and Bootcamp.
  • Affirmation creation program
  • Art-based relaxation programs
  • Outbound - Push your boundaries

Companies/organizations/clubs/groups can also have their sessions customized to suit their individual needs and goals. Special wellness retreats with boot camps are also conducted for companies/institutions/organizations/groups/clubs. The choice of destinations is also available for different packages and needs.

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